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In a world where we’re overloaded with fast changing health information, we aim to unlearn fitness myths and simplify the path towards a happy mindset and lifestyle.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Have questions? We’ve got answers!

    Most of us know we need to exercise more, but often people don’t know where to start, what to do, how much, how often. The answers to these questions depend on each individual’s particular needs and goals. Personal trainers assess their clients and tailor an exercise plan that addresses those needs and goals. For experienced exercisers, personal trainers can assist clients in breaking through exercise plateaus or boredom by selecting exercises that will continue to challenge the body in new ways.

    The first session will be focused on physical assessment, and discussion on goals and nutrition. The following sessions will focus on an exercise routine that facilitates progression to client goals.

    At the first session any pre-existing conditions and/or injuries should be discussed with the personal trainer so he or she can modify an exercise routine to best address that issue. If the injury or condition is something that would jeopardize the safety of the client while exercising, a medical clearance may be requested from the client’s physician.

    Clients success/results rate are high because you can do everything from your own home and at your own leisure and convenience. You control your own schedule. Even if you are away on vacation or out of town, you can still be coached with 100% effectiveness. Not to mention the most important part of all the nutrition, sleep and stress management coaching tips & advice you will get weekly or even daily depending on the program level you progress to.

    Yes of course but only if you are ready to prioritize yourself and want a long term change without the gimmicks, quick fix or crash diet, then this is for you. There are no shortcuts in our programs but we’ll give you the tools, knowledge and mindset that you can use long term.

    We customize programs based on your fitness level by undertaking an initial fitness test and re-test monthly as you progress. With regards to nutrition, there are no strict guidelines or rules. There is no diet to follow so you will never be forced to do anything you don’t wish to. We will instead work with you on your preferences that fit your goals and lifestyle and come up with a specific formula that works for you.

    Our online classes run for 40 minutes and follow a specific training template. All the exercises are modified to suit trainees at every fitness level. The workouts consist of a mix of High intensity Interval Training, Strength, Core training and Neurological Training. Every session begins with a dynamic warm up and ends with a static stretching cool down routine.

    The Consistent 21 program gives you all the tools you need to start your wellness journey. You will be part of a 10 member WhatsApp group with your coach. You will receive guidance on your meals and pantry recommendations for your kitchen. Along with nutrition guidance, you will also train with your coach online and will be given workouts to complete independently on days that you aren’t training with your coach. The Consistent 21 program involves a lot of communication from both sides. You will be part of a group of likeminded trainees and that will result in continued community support and motivation! You will even make some new friends! All trainees get access to a private Facebook group with their trainer – this helps you to continue staying consistent with your new healthy habits!


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